
New YouTube channel.

So things are coming together and I started a new Youtube channel. Why? Well, I really wanted to claim my name as Miss Amelie Pale and also I want a channel with original music by my friends. This will be a channel concentrating on pale skin, japanese make-up, korean skincare and more personal views, reviews and opinions. I invite you, come over and check it out! 


Asagi-sama's birthday.

I just want to make a quick post because it's a new month and I realised one of my TOP favourite singers Asagi (currently active with D) is having his birthday on the 29th of August. Not only that but I'd like to post a photo of him, surely most of them are photoshopped but never the less, he will be 37 years this year and I'd love to know his secret, how does he keep on looking so good!! Judge for yourselves.

I tried to find a photo with less make-up and less editing. He's just amazing and possessed the most extraordinary voice! ❤